Is there a correct way of breathing?

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Feb 19, 2021
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There is a healthy way to breath and firstly we should always breathe through the nose. The nose is remarkable structure and should be the first ‘port of call' for the air we breathe. The nasal passageways are covered in tiny hairs orcilia (Latin for 'eyelashes') and these act as a vital filtering system,clearing dust particles and irritants from the air. As the air passes through this set of ‘nasal eyelashes', the air is warmed and humidified, making it easier for the lungs to breathe. For the health of our lungs, during everyday activities, we should ALWAYS breathe through the nose.

The respiratory diaphragm should always be activated so we are using it to ouroptimum.  Many of us our upper chest breathers whereby we over use the intercostal muscles, neck muscles and clench the jaw (causing micro breath holds) and it’s wise to retrain the body to breathe fully with the diaphragm.

Subconsciously, we all know how to breathe well, we just need to spend a little more time developing a practice to remind ourselves how. This is what it should feel like:

  • Inhaling the through the nose, the motion of the diaphragm descends and the belly, lower torso and lower back expand softly and fully. There should be a silent, effortless quality to the breath.
  • During the inhalation there can be an awareness of the pelvic diaphragm descending in unison with the respiratory diaphragm.
  • The ribs expand softly with little effort.
  • The upper chest and upper back lifts ever so slightly nearing the peak of the inhalation.
  • On exhaling, the air should exit via the nose, and the belly returns to its resting position in calm manner.
  • The ribs will return to resting position as lungs deflate.
  • The upper chest will also return to its rest position.
  • The rhythm of the breath should be flowing with no holding on. The inhalation should feel expansive, energising and effortless. The exhale should be silent and     smooth. A full healthy breath should feel graceful and enlivening. The breath should support a perfect posture and vice versa. 

Can stress and anxiety be lowered by using breathwork?

100 percent. If we start to believe and trust just how powerful a breath practice can be, we can use particular techniques in all sorts of stressful scenarios. Breath coaches are not immune to life’s stresses and anxieties.

Just the other day I was driving along a really busy motorway to visit a good friend who was having a catastrophic week. The weather was treacherous and I could feel my anxiety rising with the physical situation of being surrounded by speeding lorries,along with worrying about my friend’s situation. My mind was racing and my body full of adrenaline.

I then practiced slowing my breath rate down and using other techniques using breath and sound and within 5 minutes I had calmed myself down and felt my entire body relax.

My external situation was still the same but I had changed my physiology simply by bringing my awareness to my breath and tweaking it. And arrived safely and present!

Thanks Aimee for your insight and the story above..we can all relate to that. Have a try with our breathing patterns and see the difference it can make: Click here to find out more

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