It's ok not to feel ok

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Jul 28, 2021
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Sometimes bad days can creep up on us and unexpected challenges and major setbacks can seem like a never-ending cycle of overwhelming emotions. Do you ever look around you and think everyone is coping so well with their struggles, so why can’t I? It can almost feel like society says we should be happy all the time and showing signs of sadness and de motivation can be a sign of weakness. This is far from the truth and in fact holding in our blues will only make it worse in the long run. Comparing ourselves to others will not help the process either, we must remember that a lot of society chooses to showcase the happy and proud moments and the sad, disheartening emotions are not always revealed.We never know what people are going through and sometimes those with the biggest smiles may be struggling the most, but it is okay to not feel okay…

It is a sign of strength to recognize your emotions and a huge accomplishment just trying to get through the day. It is completely okay to feel low sometimes and if that means taking a break, leaving a situation that does not feel right and simply saying no, then that is fine. It is important to take the pressure off to constantly feel upbeat and have it all figured out instantly. It’s key to take the time out for some well-deserved self-love and leave it to time and wellness to be the healer.

Let yourself feel

Getting through our problems rather than ignoring our problems are the healthiest way to overcome them. At times, it’s easy to feel the pressure of needing to put on a brave face and hide uneasy feelings under the surface, this is just burying our emotions and pretending that they do not exist which makes it harder to heal.

Avoiding and ignoring emotions will leave us feeling overwhelmed and make us feel that we cannot cope. Feel the moment and the feelings until they pass, there is no timeline to follow but our own in which we can rebuild and restart from. This will make us stronger for when we may next sense sadness, and we will know howto overcome the situation in a clearer manner. We must remember that each day is a fresh start, and the bad days are only temporary.


Sometimes we just need to follow the simple calming technique of breathing in to breathe out the tension and sense a moment of calm. Deep breathing can help you reconnect and is naturally therapeutic offering instant relaxation.

Take a melo minute out of your day to become aware of your breathing even whilst having a bad day, the more aware you are of your body’s response to emotions, the more you can understand your mindfulness and work towards better days.

Use coping skills

Having bad days are perfectly okay and practicing healthy coping skills during these uncomfortable emotions will help soothe the mindset.

Find a routine that works for you and embrace this with kindness. Whether it be exercise, going technology free for a day or two, cooking a delicious meal and even spending a day in bed watching your favourite series. When you find an activity that cheers you up, you will find it easier to handle bad days and most importantly be kind to yourself.

Speaking about bad days can help release pent up feelings, whether it’s speaking to a close friend or somebody completely new. A listening ear can help you feel understood and by expressing your emotions you may encourage others to do the same.

There maybe days where we will feel like we are carrying life’s weight on our shoulders,and it feels heavy, hence why it is important to give your mind and body the well-deserved break that you need. We must remember that bad day’s pass and mental and emotional health is the most important, therefore make yourself a priority and give yourself the gift of mindfully recognizing your emotions to make yourself feel better once they have passed.

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